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Agenda Live Tile

Agenda Live Tile is a Windows Phone 7 application, that displays upcoming appointments on a tile.

Posibilities of version 1.1

After application starts list of appointments for next month is shown. There is a possibility to change the period for listing appointments. This is only information, and doesn't have any impact on tile content.

Please remember that if application won't be
opened in two weeks tile will stop refreshing.

Tile is refreshing once per hour,
if you want to refresh it on demand just run the application.

Tile preview application bar button leads to tile settings and preview.

In version 1.1 there are available two display configurations (the main difference is in used font).

Live tile can flip - in this configuration 4 appointments will be shown, but also tile can always show only 2 next appointments without flipping on the back side.

In last option you can choose if tile will be displayed in standard system colors, or in colors that are dependent on system theme - you need to try your theme configuration to see that colors will be displayed.

Every configuration change will be presented on Tile Preview.

Screenshots of working tile.

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